Knowledge & Practice Hub

Redcar & Cleveland Children’s Services


Introduction from Mandy Byron – Principal Social Worker

Hello everyone and welcome to the Redcar & Cleveland home page of Community Care Inform for children and families staff.

Our vision for the children in R&C is ‘Thriving children, fulfilling their dreams’ . We want our workforce to have confidence and competence in their work so that our children and families can access high quality, excellent support.

We have invested in CCI to enable you all to have access to the most up-to-date research, articles and tools to support your practice and your continuing professional development. We want you to be the best you can be!

CCI has a huge range of topics and resources available to you and sometimes it can be hard to see the wood for the trees or to know where to start. We want this resource to be meaningful for R&C workers so we have looked at some of the key practice areas that are particularly relevant to R&C and your current practice.

We identify our key ‘hot topics’ from discussions with managers at our performance focus groups and quality assurance groups. The topics will be reviewed and chosen to support practice where we have identified an increase in demand locally in a particular service area, where managers have identified a knowledge gap or where there may be new national or local developments that need highlighting for the workforce. Where we have local Safeguarding Practice Reviews, we will link the key learning points for staff and focus on any practice topics relevant to these reviews.

I hope you find this page helpful and look forward to hearing your feedback.
Mandy Byron
Principal Social Worker, Children’s Services