Community Care Inform

All posts by Community Care Inform

Age assessments: preparing for and conducting an assessment

What guidance and good practice say about how social workers should prepare for and carry out asylum age assessments with age disputed unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people

Webinar: secondary trauma and how to look after your wellbeing as a social worker

Children’s social care reforms

A summary of the children's social care reforms set out in the government's Stable Homes Built on Love and related strategies, law and policy - regularly updated with developments and information about the pathfinder programmes

Habit of Learning modules

Lived experience voices hub

We know that social workers rate hearing directly from people with experience of social care as one of the most powerful and effective ways to learn and reflect on practice. Community Care Inform is committed to bringing you this type of learning wherever possible, and to supporting people with experiences of social work as children, adults and parents to share their stories with you in ways that are safe and comfortable for them. This page brings together resources from across the site - including videos, podcasts, webinars and written material - that offer the perspective of young people and adults who have had involvement with services for different reasons.

Mothers’ lived experiences of addiction and social work: podcast transcript

Transcript of a podcast discussion with mothers in recovery from substance misuse and addiction - what do they want social workers to understand and what makes for a good experience of social work versus a negative one?

Mothers’ lived experiences of domestic abuse and social work: podcast transcript

Transcript of a podcast discussion with mothers who have experienced domestic abuse - what do they want social workers to understand and what makes for a good experience of social work versus a negative one?

Power, trust, change: learning from the lived experiences of mothers in rehab

Mothers share their lived experience of working with children's services and other professionals due to concerns about substance use and domestic abuse. A video from Jenny Molloy helps social workers apply the learning to practice

Mothers’ lived experiences of domestic abuse and social work: podcast

Podcast discussion with mothers who have experienced domestic abuse - what do they want social workers to understand and what makes for a good experience of social work versus a negative one?

How to support non-abusing parents and carers: child sexual abuse