Analysis, decision-making, planning and review KSS 7

Last reviewed: 6 June 2023

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Photo: zimmytws/Fotolia

This page sets out the knowledge and skills listed under KSS 7 (analysis, decision-making, planning and review) in the Department for Education’s post-qualifying standard: knowledge and skills statement for child and family practitioners (KSS). Against this, we have mapped Community Care Inform guides, research, learning tools and other resources to help social workers meet KSS 7 as part of learning and development during the ASYE, and other career and continuing professional development. The links to the resources are in blue; click to follow them to the page you’re interested in.

 What does the statement say?

 Resources to help you

A child and family social worker should be able to:

•      Establish the seriousness of different risks and any harm already suffered by a child, balanced with family strengths and potential solutions.

•      Set out the best options for resolving difficulties considering the risk of future harm and the likelihood of successful change.

•      Prioritise children’s need for emotional warmth, stability and sense of belonging, particularly those in public care, as well as identity development, health and education.

•      Test multiple hypotheses using evidence and professional judgement to reach timely conclusions.

•      Challenge any prevailing professional conclusions in the light of new evidence or practice reflection.

•      Make realistic, child-centred plans within a review timeline, to manage and reduce identified risks and meet their needs.

•      Ensure sufficient multi-disciplinary input into the process at all stages.

•      Use twin and triple track planning to minimise chances of drift or delay, and monitor effectiveness of support plans.

Managing risk considers what practitioners and managers understand by ‘risk’ and how to take a balanced, proportionate approach to managing concerns.

Strengths-based practice with families: this hub brings together information and guidance on approaches such as Signs of Safety, motivational interviewing; solution-focused, systemic and relationship-based practice, along with video and audio examples of approaches in action.

Analysis and decision-making explains how to use a model of continual hypothesising and information gathering to ensure analysis and professional judgement underpins all your assessments and decision-making. (See also the learn as a group session on this topic.)

Developing social work care plans incorporates statutory guidance and research on what works in care planning, with case studies and exercises to help you implement child-centred ‘SMART’ (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely) and ‘POWER’ (Positive, Own role, What specifically, Evidence and Relationship) approaches in your own practice. (See also the learn as a group session on this topic.)

Multi-agency working: leading the professional network and chairing meetings provides tips on effective multi-disciplinary working and challenging other professionals when necessary.

Evidence-based practice explores how to use evidence to inform your practice and ways to find relevant information and stay up-to-date.

The webinar on transitions and the role of adult social care supports multi-disciplinary planning and making young-person centred plans.

Interactive supported learning

If your organisation has a workforce licence, you can access interactive quizzes and case scenarios to help you test your knowledge. The scenarios looking at decision-making for young people at risk of exploitation end where there are safeguarding concerns about a boy with autism can help you practice analysis and decision-making skills in a simulated case scenario environment.

Find out more about supported learning by contacting our helpdesk.

Links to resource maps for other parts of the KSS:

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