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Using the inherent jurisdiction to deprive children of liberty in unregulated placements: Re T (A Child) [2021] UKSC 35

Depriving a child of liberty in an inappropriate setting: Wigan BC v Y [2021] EWHC 1982 (Fam)

Sibling sexual abuse: podcast transcript

This episode discusses why sibling sexual abuse can be so challenging for social workers, how to work with the whole family and the shame, blame and denial of parents, as well as the fact that both the child who has been harmed and the child who has harmed are children, and use this opportunity to make a real positive difference to their lives and longer term outcomes.

Guide to shame and recognising how it may present in children (and adults) in the child protection system

Asking questions in supervision

This guide draws on research of real supervision sessions to identify different types of questions that may be helpful to ask

Articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights

How social workers should interpret and use Articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights in their practice.

Residential placements and the right to manifest one’s religion: A and B (Minors: placement, faith) [2021] EWHC 455 (Admin)

Assessing a child’s needs for Mental Health Act aftercare: R (AK) v London Borough of Islington [2021] EWHC 301 (Admin)

Covid-19 and adjournment of care proceedings: Lancashire County Council v M (COVID-19 Adjournment Application) (Rev 1) [2020] EWFC 43

Covid-19 and rights to a fair trial in care proceedings: C (Children: Covid-19: Representation) [2020] EWCA Civ 734