David Wilkins

David Wilkins is a Reader and the Programme Director for the MA in social work at Cardiff University. He has previously researched at Tilda Goldberg Centre, University of Bedfordshire, worked as an academic tutor for Frontline Programme and lectured at Anglia Ruskin University.

Previously, David worked in local authority social work, in the fields of disability and child protection, as a social worker, manager and was Principal Child and Family Social Worker for the London Borough of Enfield. David’s research interests include child protection practice, supervision and the use of theoretical and research-informed knowledge in practice.

In particular he is interested in the relationship between more effective supervision, enhanced practice skills and family outcomes.

All posts by David Wilkins

Asking questions in supervision

This guide draws on research of real supervision sessions to identify different types of questions that may be helpful to ask

Social work evidence template (SWET): completed example

An example evidence template (SWET) to support social workers completing the form and presenting their analysis to court

Preparing for assessed role play in NAAS (accreditation) and other professional development

Practical tips and an interactive video example to help you feel prepared for the simulated practice scenario in the National Assessment and Accreditation System (NAAS)and other assessed role play

Suspected male perpetrator of domestic abuse: practice scenario

Flo (social worker) is meeting Jamie, father of five-year-old Charlie. Observe two different versions of the same scenario and what impact each approach has on the father.

Female victim of domestic abuse: practice scenario

David (social worker) is meeting Jeanette, mother to five-year-old Charlie. Use these practice scenarios to observe how the mother responds differently to the social worker in each example.

Young person in care: practice scenario commentary

Siân (social worker) is meeting with Melanie, a young person living in a residential home. Observe how the young person responds differently to the social worker in each example.

Alcohol misuse: practice scenario commentary

Rupert (social worker) is meeting with Mandy, mother to a six-year-old girl named Tilly. Use these practice scenarios to observe how the parent responds differently to the social worker in each example.

Writing court reports

Practical advice on completing each section of the social work evidence template, plus tips on improving your writing to express your points more clearly and be more precise, reducing some of the potential for cross-examination.

Analysis and decision making: practice examples

Learn as a group: analysis and decision-making