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Anxiety and distressed behaviour in autistic children and young people

Anxiety is often the root of what is sometimes perceived as "challenging behaviour" in autistic children but this term should be avoided as the behaviour is a communication of distress. This guide helps professionals, parents and carers understand why autistic children and young people can experience extreme anxiety and distress and offers practical ways to reduce this, and hence support their behaviour

Luke Rodgers podcast transcript: ‘It was wonderful to have someone show me they cared’

Luke Rodgers from The Care Leaders reflects on the social workers who had a positive impact on him as a child and has some important messages for social workers about how they can work with compassion to build relationships with the children they are working with.

Long term use of section 20 and the care order threshold: Re S (A Child) & W (A Child) [2023] EWCA Civ 1

Notifying the birth father of adoption proceedings: M [2023] EWFC 17

Leaving care podcast transcript: an 18-year-old’s perspective on ‘independence’, supported accommodation and good social work

We spoke to an 18-year-old about his experience of the care system, leaving care and transition to adulthood and independence. He shares his perspective on what he would like to see social workers think about differently, as well as his positive experiences

Parental alienation and care proceedings: Warwickshire County Council v The Mother & Ors [2022] EWHC 2146 (Fam)

Mobile phone records and abuse allegations: P, H-L (Children) (Rev1) [2023] EWCA Civ 206

Parental substance misuse: working with children, parents and carers

Parental substance misuse is a difficult topic to address with parents, carers and children. This guide provides practical advice for social workers where there are concerns of parental substance use, increases knowledge of the types of substance misuse and provides guidance for working with whole families.

Fabricated or induced illness and emergency protection orders: E and H [2023] EWFC 69

Transgender surgery abroad and the inherent jurisdiction: S [2023] EWHC 347 (Fam)