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Child sexual exploitation: a guide to the case law

A guide to civil law routes to addressing child sexual exploitation, including the use of injunctions, secure accommodation orders, reporting restrictions, deprivation of liberty and the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court.

Age assessments: preparing for and conducting an assessment

What guidance and good practice say about how social workers should prepare for and carry out asylum age assessments with age disputed unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people

Disabled children, short breaks and section 20: R (TS) v Hackney [2023] EWHC 3063 (Admin)

Deprivation of liberty, disabled children and Cheshire West: Re SM [2024] EWHC 493 (Fam)

Psychological assessments in care proceedings: E (A Child) (Care and Placement Orders) [2023] EWCA Civ 721

Mothers’ lived experiences of addiction and social work: podcast transcript

Transcript of a podcast discussion with mothers in recovery from substance misuse and addiction - what do they want social workers to understand and what makes for a good experience of social work versus a negative one?

Mothers’ lived experiences of domestic abuse and social work: podcast transcript

Transcript of a podcast discussion with mothers who have experienced domestic abuse - what do they want social workers to understand and what makes for a good experience of social work versus a negative one?

Power, trust, change: learning from the lived experiences of mothers in rehab

Mothers share their lived experience of working with children's services and other professionals due to concerns about substance use and domestic abuse. A video from Jenny Molloy helps social workers apply the learning to practice

Termination of an 11-year-old’s pregnancy, Gillick competence and child protection: A Health Board v AZ [2023] EWHC 2517

Leaving care legal framework in England and Wales: quick guide

A guide to the legal framework and case law governing local authorities' duties to young people leaving care in England and Wales, including explanations of the 'eligible', 'relevant' and 'former relevant' categories, and the role of personal advisers/advisors and pathway plans.