Michelle Cutland Michelle Cutland

Dr Michelle Cutland is Practice Improvement Advisor (Health) at the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse which is hosted by Barnardo's and funded by the home office to support local areas develop multi-agency responses to CSA and produce research and evidence to support national policy and practice development.

Prior to joining the CSA Centre, Michelle was the named doctor for safeguarding children and co-clinical lead for the child sexual abuse assessment service in Humberside.

She continues to practice as a consultant paediatrician and sexual offences medical examiner in Gloucester. She is an executive committee member of the Child protection special interest group and an expert reviewer for the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health (RCPCH) national child protection evidence systematic review team.

All posts by Michelle Cutland

Medical examinations for child sexual abuse: what social workers need to know

A guide for social workers on what children, young people and parents/carers can expect from child sexual abuse medical examinations and their role in the process.