Gretchen Precey Gretchen Precey

Gretchen Precey has been an independent social worker, trainer and consultant since for 9 years. Her background is in local authority child protection work where she served as both a practitioner and a manager for fifteen years.

As an associate of Triangle, an organisation based in Brighton that works with disabled children and young people, she has an interest in assessment, communication and protection issues concerning disabled children and offers training and direct assessment work in this area.

She also has published papers on fabricated or induced illness and lectures nationally on this subject as well as appearing as an expert witness in civil cases concerning FII.

Many of her current training commitments involve practice issues for child welfare professionals in implementing the common assessment framework.

All posts by Gretchen Precey

Fabricated or induced illness

Covers the three different types of fabricated or induced illness, with examples of each. Explains how to spot the signs, understand the motivations of perpetrators and suggests how to assess and evidence FII.